Sunday 23 February 2025
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3 Best Bargain Place for Shopping in Jakarta Cheap

If you want to visit Jakarta, you should make a list about the place where you should go while you are in Jakarta. There are many destination places that you can visit based on what you need. Many of you come to Jakarta and visit the places for shopping in Jakarta cheap that they can resell again in their city. You should know that Jakarta has the cheaper price of any kind products you meet them there. Thus, make sure that you get the best price while visiting this city well.

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If you want to be reseller or something like that, you should know where the place you should go in buying the product with low price. There are some best bargain places for shopping in Jakarta cheap that you can visit. They are:


  1. If you are looking for the grocery price, you can visit Tanah Abang Market. This market is a heaven for you to bargain hunting paradise in Jakarta. In this market, you can find thousands of local producers that are selling many kind of goods start from the accessories, shoes, women’s wear, textile, and many more. This market also is considered as the largest textile market in our South East Asia! So, if you want to get cheaper price, go this place and you will bring everything from this place. If you go to this place, don’t forget to bargain and bargain to get as cheaper as you can. This market is opened from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.
  2. One of the other bargain places that you can visit is ManggaDua Mall. Even if this market has concept as a Mall, but you are able to bargain what you buy here. This mall is absolutely huge because this mall consists of 6 shopping centers which have specialized in selling the particular product. The 6 shopping centers are PasarPagiManggaDua, DusitManggaDua, ITC ManggaDua, ManggaDua WTC, Harco Mas ManggaDua, and also ManggaDua Mall. As example, if you are looking for electronics, food stuffs, furnishings, you can go to Harco Mas ManggaDua shopping centers. In the fourth floor of block B in ITC ManggaDua, you will find a plenty of snacks which are sold for you. You should remember to visit in weekday to prevent any kind of human traffic in weekend. This mall is opened from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.
  3. The last one place for you to bargain the antique goods is Antique Market in Jalan Surabaya. You can find many antique goods such as old fashion ornaments, souvenirs, brass utensils, ceramics, porcelain, wooden puppets, and many more. It will be your hidden treasures for you, the antique lovers. You can get bargaining these antique goods with reasonable price of antique goods. This mall is opened from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.

Those are the recommended places for bargain shopping in Jakarta cheap that you can visit. Well, you also should note while bargaining in Antique Market, you should know first about the price of antique goods.