Monday 10 March 2025
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Tips for Pulling Off 50s Style Fashion

 Lots of people want to capture the fashion look of the 50s, but few people can pull it off with ease and style. The ever-popular rockabilly dresses are some of the most iconic pieces from this era, and it’s something we often see on TV, movies, magazines and much more. Whether you’re attending a wedding or special occasion and want to make a fashion statement as a one-off or you want to adopt this style and apply it to the way you dress every day, there are many ways you can use it to create your own style mixed with the beautiful fashion sense of the 1950s.

  1. It’s all about the hair

Even if you can’t get hold of clothing which looks just like the clothes from this era, you can do a lot just by stylish your hair correctly. Look at pictures and watch tutorials on YouTube if you want to learn how to style your hair to look like a 1950s icon. Style icons such as Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor are great to watch and look at if you want to discover more about the typical hairstyles. Rollers were very popular, and women would create beautiful sleek curls and waves in their hair. The bouffant also became very popular during this era – a look that can be achieved through back-combing to create further volume.

  1. Go for a more modern rockabilly look

Although dresses were in fashion back in the day, it’s more comfortable to wear jeans, t-shirts and other more casual items on a daily basis now. Rockabilly women’s tees are a great addition to your wardrobe, and can be worn every day without feeling like you are dressing up. Again, be sure to style your hair in a quirky rockabilly style and you’ll be able to effortlessly create the look you’re going for without concentrating too heavily on your wardrobe. Although this wouldn’t have been the case in the 1950s, women nowadays like to pair their shirts and tees with tight jeans.

  1. Concentrate on your figure

For women, one of the most important things was creating the envied hourglass figure that many sex icons of the day would show off. Larger breasts and hips paired with a smaller waist would create the figure that most men and women found attractive. In order to help with this, the rockabilly dresses, which are so popular from this era, would usually have a tighter waist (or even a belt) and a skirt, which fanned out to create the illusion of having wider hips and a tiny waist. The dresses were often seen with longer sleeves, although nowadays they often have halter-neck designs and no sleeves.

  1. Heels, heels, heels! 

A pair of comfortable Mary Jane shoes will help you to create the rockabilly look you want, and these can be worn with your favourite dress or with a pair of jeans and a top to create a smarter fashion and casual look.